On December 21, The Peacemakers Mission, also known as MIAP, organized a Children’s Christmas Party in Gbetebou, Parakou. We aimed to bless 100 children, but the turnout exceeded our expectations, with over 150 children attending. Despite the larger crowd, we happily arranged additional gifts to ensure that each child felt cherished and included.
The atmosphere buzzed with joy and laughter as the children engaged in the festivities.
 Some mothers also joined the celebration and received Christmas gifts, including clothing, shoes, and other necessities. The spirit of the season enveloped everyone present, fostering a sense of community and love.
A memorable aspect of the event was a special message on “Why Jesus Was Born to Die for Us.” This uplifting teaching served as a reminder of the true essence of Christmas—the gift of salvation through Jesus Christ. Although we were unable to capture some of the precious moments due to technical difficulties with our phone, the smiles and joy of the children and their mothers will forever remain indelible their hearts.
We are thankful to God for the success of this mission and to everyone who supported us in making it possible.
The Gbetebou Christmas Party showcased the incredible impact of love and generosity, and we eagerly anticipate touching even more lives in the future. Thank you for joining us in bringing joy and hope to those in need.